3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Get Too Cozy On Your Parent’s Wealth

Many of you are privileged with security as you await an inheritance that will one day come to you or are already floating by on a trust fund.

Inheritance or not, none of us can ever count on sitting idly by. To maintain the same lifestyle as your parents or a better one, you cannot rely on the security of an inheritance.

Here are three reasons why you shouldn’t get too cozy on your parent’s wealth:

Wealth isn’t secure for anyone.

An inheritance or a trust fund is akin to inheriting a farm. It operates and yields wealth! However, unless the fields are plowed, the seeds are planted, and crops are harvested and sold year after year, it will cease to provide for you.

Your laziness is causing you to miss opportunities to grow.

Think of your wealth like a gold seed you can plant anywhere, to create anything. You can use it to support the environment and make food more plentiful for all. Or create the next revolutionary technological invention. Don’t limit yourself!

It encourages your existence as a lame duck.

Being a lame duck doesn’t serve anyone. Not you, not your parents, not your future spouse, future children, and not your future self. You can’t let yourself get lazy. You have to get off the couch and get your hands dirty.

Your parents’ wealth may feel indispensable, but - as a strategist and investment professional - let me reassure you, that no one sitting on their money increases it, let alone secures it.

It is essential for your personal growth and independence that you work to gain financial independence by understanding what you have and can do with it.

Growing in financial independence will build your confidence to handle your finances.

It will provide long-term security in your financial well-being.

It will contribute to and empower your relationships.

It will give you peace of mind during economic turbulence.

Investing in your inheritance may feel like more of a price to pay, but it’s nothing compared to the peace that comes with understanding and building on your wealth.

Because, above all, independence is priceless.

And ultimately it will increase your personal growth and, yes, purpose.


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