Patient Capital & The Powerful Impacts of Long-Term Investing

Our society thrives off of instant gratification. 

Apple Pay, Karma, Prime shipping, overnight shipping, one-minute reads (hey, I aim to please), we strive and thrive on what is fast and immediate - particularly when it comes to money. 

Because if it’s quicker it must be better, right?

At least, that’s what we are fashioned to believe.

In investing, success is often perceived as short-term gains and immediate returns. 

But for family offices (FOs), successful investing and yields are quite different. 

Long-term horizon investing is a unique approach that sets FOs apart. As protectors of multi-generational wealth, their vision extends beyond the average investor's attention span, embracing extended periods of gestation for investment returns that significantly impact the economy and set family offices at a great advantage. 

FOs feel the unique freedom to invest in projects that may not yield an immediate return for long periods. This has led FOs to industry breakthroughs, job creation, generating new opportunities, and driving social change on a global scale. 

Aligned with their commitment to sustainability and impact investing, FOs are then able to prioritize patience, and innovative investing, fostering sustainable growth that not only greatly impacts the economy but sets them at a significant advantage. 


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