Speak Up

There is a prominent glass ceiling in the finance industry for women, creating an environment that strongly resembles a boys' club because that's exactly what it has been. 

Frankly, working in this male-dominated industry as a female presents some challenging disadvantages. 

But to keep chipping away, there are strategies we women must take on to move ahead.

So let’s start simple.

Strategy One: Speak Up

Don’t be shy to speak your mind. 

In meetings, brainstorming sessions, at lunch appointments, when a thought arises that you would typically dismiss, thinking “That’s not important,”  simply speak it. Don’t overanalyze it. 

It’s too easy to be the quiet mouse in the room. But frankly, the quiet mouse doesn’t get the promotion! The quiet mouse is typically outshined by everyone else. 

For all the endless talking and babbling that men easily do, why do we have such a problem speaking up? 

Because we’ve been conditioned to feel it isn’t our place. 

But if you’re in the room, consider it your place. 

Stop holding back, and start speaking up!


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