Stop Using These Words: They’re Undermining You

Contrary to the common assumption, turns out men tend to talk just as much as women. Yet the average female’s word choice can often weaken what we're trying to communicate.

As women, we can be tied to the overuse of words like “just”, “like,” or phrases such as “This might be dumb, but. . . “ While these sayings are seemingly meek, they are often interpreted as a more self-deprecating language compared to men.

A study conducted by Byte found that 55% of females admit they soften their digital communication to avoid being seen as “harsh or abrupt”. Yet these words we use as women can convey that we don’t trust ourselves.

It’s not so much about what you should and shouldn’t say, but why you say it.

Brené Brown writes in Atlas of the Heart, “Language shows us that naming an experience gives us the power of understanding and meaning.”

Our word choice gives power to our circumstances. They are powerful, and not just to others but more crucially in shaping our own perception.

They have power over us! To a much greater degree than we can fathom.

So why use words that undermine the weight of what we're trying to say and the value we have to offer?

As women, it's essential to affirm our worth and what we bring to the table. And it starts with the words we choose.

Extract the words that undermine your most significant potential and leave them behind!

We owe it to ourselves if we truly believe we deserve to be there.


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