Ultra-Masculine Mexico Finally Gives Women the Spotlight: Why Showcasing Your Skills Gets You Ahead

For what may be deemed a “machismo” country, Mexico will likely select its first female president next year. 

Following the country’s two top parties making their candidate selection, two women will now be competing for the presidency: Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum and Senator Xóchitl Gálvez.

One thing is for sure, these women didn’t find their way to the top of a presidential race in a culture lathered in male chauvinism by being bashful or dismissive of their strengths. 

What candidate for anything wouldn’t self-promote to be in the running?

It would seem foolish not to.

A recent study reviewed by Harvard asked two employees, one female, and one male, to summarize their work performance. One responded, “Outstanding”; the other credited their team for their excellent work. The second was the female. 

Women often avoid promoting themselves with the assumption that others will simply see it or that showcasing it is too showy.

“If you don’t self-promote,” says Areen Shahbari CEO of Shahbari Training & Consultancy and an instructor at Harvard Professional Development Programs, “your contributions will probably not be visible nor recognized, which will limit your ability to get a promotion, a raise, or important projects that will help you advance in your career.”

So go ahead and show off! Show off better! Make self-promotion classy by adding a woman’s touch. Showcase yourself and your team.  It worked for Claudia and Xochitl.


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