Consider Networking a Part of Your Job

Networking is crucial to your career. Yet studies find it is something women tend to overlook. 

According to LinkedIn Network Data, women are 28% less likely than men to have a strong network.

This is holding us back.

While networking can seem synonymous with ‘getting ahead’ it can also be painted as an inauthentic way to connect with other professionals. But it all comes down to your approach. How you network is just as important as doing it. 

Authentic networking offers a pathway to progress, ensures our continual growth in this ever-evolving industry, and encourages us to constantly engage and learn from other professionals in our field.

To thrive as women in an industry dominated by men, we must be fully engaged, we must be eager to learn, and we must make a habit of networking. 

By fostering meaningful connections and actively expanding your circle you not only get a seat at the table, but you also significantly broaden and enrich your world. 

Networking that is genuinely focused on connecting, learning, and growing is what will propel you forward. When practiced regularly it can become a powerful tool for growth and opportunities. 

We must reshape our perspective to see that by leveling up our performance, we’re leveling up what we have to offer, and who we are as a whole.


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